Bergen street photography
Just got a new camera, sparking my interest in photography again. The weather hasn't been great lately, but I've still managed to get a couple of pictures taken.
More particles in canvas
I tried emulating the hyperpower extension for the hyper terminal.
Mine meiningar om Stryn sentrum
Eg stiller meg kritisk til Stryn sentrum og planane som er lagt i dag. I dette innlegget prøvar eg å komme med konstruktiv kritikk til Stryn og mine ønsker for et beitre sentrum.
Having fun with particles in HTML canvas and JavaScript
This is how I made a particle system for images. It's up for debate wether or not this is a practical or efficient way to do this, but it ran decently on my M1 macbook. This article will go through some of the code, and outline some difficulties of implementing it in react/next.